Saturday, March 24, 2007

Weekly Survey Conclusion: Housewife or Career Woman, which would you prefer?

First of all, thank you for your votes and comments on this issue. All together 20 people have voted for the question, half of them prefer a housewife and the other half prefer a career woman. We divided voters into two groups according to their gender. Eight men and ten women expressed their related comments as followings.

Men's opinions:
3 men prefer a career woman:
jeffconno 2007-3-19 09:55: Well, my wife better to be career woman at first so than we can share responsibility of supporting family, when we have enough wealth, to be an housewife is good but only if she wants to be.

rosepanther 2007-3-19 18:09: I prefer a career wife. Women should work and help their husbands financially. I am happy with my wife's salary .She is happy too.

cyberspook 2007-3-19 19:14: I would prefer a career woman , the reason is simple , I am a career man , I found out late that to have a career is to have independence and security , a woman needs a certain independence and she certainly needs security , a career can help her achieve that , I would be willing to help and support her any way I can to help her , this kind of help and commitment can only foster a deeper love and trust toward each other that will spread to other facets of our life together , I don't just wand a wife , I want a life partner I need my life partner.

2 men who prefer a housewife:
geminialex 2007-3-19 23:17: I am not old enough to experience having a wife. But as to me, I prefer a house wife. I hold the conception that diligence is the vocation of male. So I want my future wife to have a job but never take it serious and just enjoy our love, our family and our world.

changzhou007 2007-3-22 07:25: 1. I'd like to stretch the housewife-thingy a bit farther. How about an educated wife who teaches her kids at home full time? I meant home schooling, the kids stay at home and don't go to school. 2. Recently, there is one extraordinary phenomenon taking place quietly and sweeping through the North American continent, which is called as "The super women are coming home!". More and more career women are dropping out of the corporation rat race or quitting their high profile professional positions, coming home and staying at home and taking care of their kids. They usually stay at home for about five years on average, some of them re-enter the workforce, and some start their own business later on. The survey result has shown that most of those women did not regret their choices and enjoyed the quality time they have spent with their kids and families, although they have given up their careers. As a guy, I salute those women!

3 men are with neutral opinion:
desperado123 2007-3-19 23:58: I respect women's right , let them choose what they want to ,however , first of all I think it should be given this warning that no one is dependable unless you stand on your own feet .

spiritrace 2007-3-21 20:45: Personally I would take either or both as a mate. I don't have a problem with a woman with a career or who wants to stay home.

tearsgoneby 2007-3-19 11:59: if we got a balance between them, then she will neither be a career nor a housewife

Women's opinions:
2 women prefer career a women:
polaris1120 2007-3-19 10:19: If a woman isn't economic independent, she is very likely to be abandoned by her husband. There are too many such things happened every day, at least in China. The housewife cannot say anything about her husband's wrongdoing, even if he has a mistress.

sockmonkey 2007-3-20 04:31: I didn't get a $160,000 education just to sit on my butt at home... I would definitely rather be a career woman.

3 women prefer a housewife:
anna_sxm 2007-3-19 14:31: to be honest, I want to be housewife, so that I will have enough time to do things I'm interest in. but, in the true life, I chose to be a career woman, because the external condition is not proper.

blueruer 2007-3-19 15:48: come to your support of being a housewife

fluffy 2007-3-19 17:45: I want to be a housewife and that’s it, nothing more or less, its hard to find such a position in today's society...women tend to be and have to be everything these days....its a very tough life.

5 women are with neutral opinion:
ivy20025 2007-3-19 11:43: how about ...being...both? A good housewife and then having a good career? Could we get a balance in between?

holidays 2007-3-19 18:10: Which one is better, for me, it would depend on which one have more security. Nowadays, it seems husbands are less reliable and women received better education...

xilaren 2007-3-20 04:36: To be honest at this particular time I would rather be neither a career woman nor a housewife. I would like to be just a traveler .I suffer so much because of this career.

shelleybelly 2007-3-20 12:38: I know to be a housewife that your husband must have strong financial backups to allow you to be a happy housewife

iamlost 2007-3-21 23:27: now it's a half-half...Once I was impressed by a TV show in which the hostess said being a housewife was also a career and not easy to carry on. Housewife means more than staying at home, doing washing and cleaning. It is a job for a wife to manage a family in an all-round way, if not financially. I want to be a perfect housewife one day, if my husband has no problem with that.

Statistic result:
37.5% male and 20% female voters favor career women, 25% male and 30% females voters favor housewives, 37.5% male and 50% female voters hold neutral views.

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