Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Chicago, IL - Newspapers Call On Former Gov. Blago Appointee Sen. Burris To Resign

Chicago, IL - Barely a month after being sworn in as a U.S. Senator, Roland Burris is being called on to resign by the Chicago Tribune and some of his fellow Democrats.
After claiming, under oath, that there was no quid pro quo with former Gov. Rod Blagojevich, Burris admitted Tuesday that he had tried to raise money for Blagojevich before the now-impeached governor appointed him to fill President Obama's vacant Senate seat. This revelation followed others, in an affidavit made public over the weekend, about Burris' contact with Blagojevich that cast doubts on the veracity of his testimony before the Illinois House impeachment panel and have opened him up to potential expulsion from the Senate.
The calls for Burris' resignation are not limited to Illinois. The Washington Post called on Burris to step down in an editorial headlined "Buy-Buy, Mr. Burris" published in Wednesday's paper:

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